Hi Everybody,
Once again its been a long time since our last update. We are hoping to get back on track in November if the Covid numbers keep going down in St. Lawrence County. Fingers crossed we can resume activities soon.
In the meantime we have continued to hold AA Meetings on Tuesdays @ 7pm and Sundays @ 1 pm. and Alanon Meetings on Mondays @ 4:30 pm and Thursdays @ 6:00 PM. We are still asking people to wear masks. If you don't have one there is a box at the sign table along with hand sanitizer. Please consider joining us for the meetings as we do have newcomers coming in almost weekly and support is needed for these folks. The gotomtgs are still held Monday thru Friday @ 7 pm. Please visit our website for details.
Activities to look forward to include our Traditional Thanksgiving, Christmas , & New Years Day Dinners. Of course the location and time for these events will be determined as we get closer to the day. Sara M. is starting a Woman's Group to begin sometime in November . We also hope to resume our Sunday Dinners and Saturday Afternoon Movies . We hope all of these activities can begin within the next month so watch for details. If we can track down our craft people we will get that going as well. Becky B is still plugging away on the store. This next month she will open a separate Holiday store and after two years there is a lot to move out. We do have a Mtg and Meal planned to begin in January but first Darcy F. and Sue L have to plan it so that will take some time.
The Clubhouse has survived 17 months with little to no activity so we have some rebuilding to do. If you would like to be part of the rebuilding efforts let us know. In addition to all of the activities we have some fundraising to do as well and are looking for suggestions from our members. Maybe Pancake Breakfast Karen M? A Pitch tournament Gaeton? Painting Class Char B? Pam B. has also volunteered to help us cook a meal that maybe we can turn that into a fundraiser.
Remember Rumors are ... well rumors and there is a lot of that going around. After a long 17 months it is time to be positive despite what is happening around us.
More next week........