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This Week@39 Serenity Place

Sue L

Hi Everybody, 

What a busy two weeks at the Clubhouse.   It has been  a whirlwind of activities, with no end in sight the next two weeks!  Join us anytime to participate or just hang out.  If you would like to volunteer to help.... definitely pop in !

This Sunday April 14 we will of course be serving dinner after the 1 pm AA Meeting.  Heidi A offered to cook and has decided to make Hamburg Mac soup and sandwiches.  However if you would like to bring a dish to pass, please do.... the numbers are growing on Sundays so every little bit helps.  We can always count on Ice Cream Steve, Delma W.  and her cakes and of course  David D. and his pies.  The crowd seems to favor the dessert room so if you want to bring a dessert thats ok too.  It won't last long whatever it is!  Immediately following dinner the Pitch Tournament starts at 3 pm.  We have decided to break up the tournament into two Sundays from 3-5 pm. There are 6 teams registered and Round One begins this Sunday. Next Sunday teams will play for the Championship. Jonathan S and Stacie S have already laid claims on the championship and Char B and Karen M joined in to.  It seems none of them think I can spell as they all verified the spelling of their name.  I wonder if it has anything to do with the typos they see in every newsletter.....?  Late comers Louise  and Marie T. may throw their names in the mix so watch out, they are fierce pitch players. Anyway the only two that don't seem to care are Gaeton R. and Danny L.  they are just happy to be playing pitch.... as usual.  Darcy F made some fantastic trophies and Karen M  donated a prize so we are all set.  Stay tuned for tournament updates. 

The following Sunday April 21 Donnie V. will celebrate One year and Dave H has agreed to speak at the Anniversary.  Not sure what is for dinner but there will be a dinner and the Pitch Tournament will resume at 3 pm. for the championship rounds. Then on Sunday April 28 Letta C. will be celebrating 32 years and Louise T. just happens to be our monthly Speaker that day.  It always works out the way it should!!   Hope you all come out to support both Donnie V and Leeta C. and listen to Speakers Dave H and Louise T. 

On Saturday April 27  Al-Anon has organized a Mini Day of Sharing from 9 am -1 pm. at the clubhouse.  We will serve a continental  Breakfast  before the Speaker Eric F. and enjoy a lunch  afterwards. If we have time we may add a second speaker.  Join us. Al-Anon mini Day of Sharings are great.   Watch for the flyers .  

We have been contacted about the possiblity of bringing Yoga/Chair Yoga to the Clubhouse. What a great idea. Thanks Mari P.  First we have to find out who is interested so contact Sue L if you are.  Also Sue Mitchell dropped off Survival Bags for people still out there struggling. We are passing them out as we know of people who could use them.  Sue is doing this in memory of her late son Jacob so lets get out there and spread the word. Jonathan S. has already identified some people who would benefit  and so has Patti H.  Just contact us and we will set up a pick up time for distribution.  Thanks Sue Mitchell what a wonderful idea.  

Now onto the Old news:  We had a great time at the Clubhouse watching the Solar Eclipse. We ran out of our goody bags as more people than expected showed up....  Luckily we had just the right amount of glasses to distribute.  After the noon meeting we ate lunch , went outside to watch the elcipse and came back inside to eat pizza after the eclipse.  Then of course... Gaeton R and Danny L set up the card game and that lasted until 7:30 pm.  It was a long day but lots of good memories .  Char B and Karen M sang many "solar eclispe tunes" , Brian D loved the Solar bags full of Milky Way Chocolate,  Mars Bars, Starburst pops, Moon pies,  Sunny D juice and eclipse gum .  Peggy W., Jonathan S., and Andrew S all went to the St Lawrence to view the eclipse and the rest of us stayed behind. Thanks Gaeton R., Karen M, and Joey S. for pitching in to buy the pizza. Isabelle popped in after work, Dave and Patti came with their own comfortable chairs, Delma W. did too,  and Ice cream Steve was there with no ice Cream... its not Sunday....... bummer . Leeta C., Rachel and Dave H also watched the eclipse with us.  

This past Sunday Sue L made Sloppy Joes for dinner thanks to Mike C 's hamburger contribution. It was a Crowd pleaser for sure...   Rachel brought a great mac and tuna salad, Delma W. baked beans and we made a tossed salad. Then much to our surprise Char B, Stacie S., and Curtis H.  brought in a whole dinner from Karen M.  Once again we had lots of food and a big crowd in addition to our take outs and meal deliveries.   Big thanks to Darcy F. for  setting up the Food and organizing the dinner. And to Patti H, Pat S. , David D, Char B ,and Delma W. for cleaning up .  Yes there was a card game and many people played. I just can't remember who won which is very important tot h e  winners!!

Then there was Easter dinner. We had an enormous crowd and lots of food.  Thank to Patti H, Peter and Eric F., Char B, Sue L, Curtis H and Stacie S, Dave

H., Karen M, Leeta C, Pat O., David D., Ice Cream Steve, and lots of others who contributed to the dinner.  It was a wonderful feast.  The Easter Bunny appeared and many people opted to get their picture taken... just so they could get an egg withcandy.  Char B made  and organized the  Easter game  and people went crazy about  the night light prizes Darcy F. made. In fact she is making more because people really wanted one. Lots of jelly beans laying aound and a big basket of choccolates from Sue Mitchell. We hid the candy but Jabu's chocolate radar located it within minutes..   Alot of people helped clean  the kitchen and wash dishes and Jonathan S swept and mopped the floor. Thanks to everyone. We sure were exhausted but people seemed to enjoy themsleves . The  card players took a break and played the easter Game.  Thanks for the game  Char B.

The last two weeks we travelled to Potsdam to celebrate Mike P's five year anniversary, Aand then the next week to Justin's one year anniversary and to Malone where Danny L, Rachel and Leeta C. spoke at a Saturday Night mtgs with in the last three weeks.  If anyone wants to speak at the Malone Saturday night mtg. , contact Mike C from Moira . ,


Finally Lets not talk about peoples past lives at the clubhouse.  It serves no purpose other than to create havoc and disrupt the positive energy we have tried to maintain.  Thanks everybooody.....

 More next week .... 

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By Sue L.

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