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This Week@39 Serenity Place 10/06/22

Writer's picture: SueL SueL

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Sue LapradeThu, Oct 6, 2:43 PM to

Hi Everybody, Hope everyone is having a good week and enjoying the sun for a change. Since I missed an update last week we do have a lot to share. You know what that means John F.!! Take your seat... This Sunday October 9 there will be Dinner after the 1 pm AA Meeting and there will be apple crisp and ice cream for dessert. Sue L is making chili so if you want to bring a dish to pass we could use rolls or garlic bread, salads etc. If you decided not to travel this holiday weekend, hope to see you Sunday . Last week we enjoyed a great meal donated by Karen M. and Delma W. made a delicious chocolate and cherry cake. As usual, there wasn't a drop off food left so clean up was very easy. Thanks for helping Josh S. and Tina . There were no card games last week as everyone seems to be sick. So we chatted over dinner and then called it an early day. Welcome to newcomer Tina. Glad to have you join us. Nice to see you Dan D. The week before Pam B. made an awesome stuffed shell dinner , Willie M. made his awesome salad and Sue L. brought the dinner rolls and we only had ice cream for dessert! Sue L was supposed to make the apple crisp for desert and Ice Cream Steve drove all the away for Chaumout with his vanilla ice cream just for the apple crisp. He was disappointed but assures us he will return! Sorry about that Ice Cream Steve. Make sure you pass that along to your Skipper David D. Pam B., Gaeton R. , Danny L. and Carol H sat down for a card game. It was nice to see Eric F., Michelle P. and Nick L. return. Keep coming back. We also had Saturday Movie Day and showed Requiem for a Dream. It was an intense move about the mental obsession of addiction. It really stirred up a lot of thought for those of us who attended. Thanks to Char B. who worked really hard trying to get the original movie started. Josh S. even sat through the whole movie without getting up once and Kenny B. led a good discussion after the movie. We had a small crowd but plan on showing a movie again if there is interest. Thanks to everyone who came. Brian M also held his Tapping class. We had 7 attend and most people really enjoyed the class and have found it to be a helpful tool for anxiety. In fact a few people have shared the technique with others. If you missed the class and would like more information look up standard. Brian M has offered to hold another class if more people would like to learn the technique. Let Sue L know. Thanks for volunteering your time Brian. Brian M also said he would teach the drawing class this winter if anyone is interested. About 11 of us took his class 5 years ago and it was great. Will keep you posted on that event. After all kinds of roadblocks Darcy F. finally held the Morse Code Bracelet class last night. Again we had seven people attend. (seven seems to be our magic number for classes !) It was a lot of fun. Just ask Sara M and Ruth Ann R. about it. Each had to make their bracelet twice because Darcy F. and Sue L were not careful enough. ! Kathleen M and Stacy S. quietly made their bracelets and were successful the first time around. Everyone chose a different Mantra designed to help with anxiety. If you would like to learn more about this technique let Sue L know and she will put you in touch with Darcy. Thanks for the class , we appreciate your time. This past week we received two donations. Thanks John B. for the coffee and Ruth Ann R. for the paper and cleaning products. Every little bit helps as we try to rebuild the clubhouse momentum. We are in need of clear garbage bags if anyone is looking to donate to the Clubhouse!! We also are receiving donations for the garage sale. Thanks John F and Willie M for bringing stuff over from various people . We appreciate it. Last Saturday we had to cancel the Craft day by Char B and Carol H. Its a good thing we did as a few people came down with covid and a few others too four out of the five people who open the meeting are out sick. Thanks to Jackie & Al H. who stepped in to run two of the Meetings an to Julie M. who took the Friday meeting. Welcome and thank you Al ,Jackie, & Julie. Also thanks to Stacy S. who keeps those candy bowls filled at all times!! Next Monday we will be cleaning the clubhouse again. Willie M will take the downstairs and Sue L will move up to the second Meeting room. Anyone want to help. Heather A or Stacey S. ? Well wishes to Danny L, Kenny B ,and Gary M . We hope your health issues continue to steadily improve. More next week ....

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By Sue L.

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