Hi Everybody,
This will be a short newsletter as the clubhouse has slowed down a little bit due to many outside activities and sick people!. We all need a breather sometimes so not to worry we will pick back up again and just to let you know we are sanitizing the clubhouse daily and there is lots of sanitizer and soap to wash your hands !! If you are sick stay home. Physically that is ....... we are all a little sick in other ways.
This Sunday March 8 Danny L is celebrating 19 years at the Sunday 1 pm AA Meeting. There will be a Speaker and dinner after the meeting. Both of which have not yet been confirmed. Hope you come out to support Danny L on his 19 years Living One Day at a Time. Last Sunday we had a wonderful lunch after the 1 pm AA Meeting. Darlene N. made Subs, Sue L. brought Tomato Soup and Karen M brought scalloped potatoes and spice cake. Ice Cream Steve did what he always does... bring the ice cream ! Thanks for all the contributions everyone. Michelle P was there cleaning up along with Darlene N. A quick card game and birthday party for Mike R.and then we closed up early and went home well before the Veterans AA Mtg. Chad W. was surprised to find an empty clubhouse when he returned from his errands. He stayed anyway and waited for the meeting so the clubhouse remained opened Thanks Chad.
This week the Saturday Night Movie at 2 pm is Anonymous People. The usual pizza and popcorn will be served along with any snacks people bring. We are hoping this movie prompts a lot of discussion about Anonymity. Needles to say it will be interesting. Last week we watched A Star is Born. It was a fantastic movie and brought up a lot of emotion for most everyone there. Kenny B led a discussion and despite the small crowd it went a hour long. Cu seemed to really enjoy the movie and pointed many of the stars people were missing. Michelle P . made the pizza and it was so good our small crowd it it all !! Thanks Michelle.
During the week it was slow going . Michelle P.and Chad W. kept the clubhouse going for a couple of days. Michelle cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen but not before watching her soap. Chad took care of the garbage and did his homework. Francis dropped off more meals for people to eat and I did see someone vacuuming the rugs but I can't remember who... thanks whoever you are.
Danny L and his committee are still working on the Golf Tournament scheduled in September . We would like to at least double the number of teams playing so we need your help. So far Bill D, Memory D, Mike R. and Carol H are on the committee. Danny also started a group to promote a positive atmosphere at the clubhouse. Memory D. ,Sara M and Kenny B are on that committee but if you would like to join in let Danny L. know.
Other news: Sue L. and Michelle P represented the clubhouse at the Lenten Luncheon today and what a wonderful experience. If you would like to join us next Wednesday let us know. We are receiving the donations from the luncheons so it is nice to have some representation there and explain what we are all about. We also learned that St.John's Church has invited the Clubhouse members to a Spaghetti Dinner so they can get to know us. !! This is an effort to break the stigma often associated with addicts and alcoholics. More on that next week. Brian M called and still wants to offer the drawing class at the clubhouse. Many of us took this class 3-4 years ago and found we could draw. Think about trying something new and let Sue L know if you are interested.
Shattering the Stigma II has been postponed until the Fall. It is all planned but we need some help with refreshment planning and promotion. So if you would like to help contact Sue L.
Don't forget the Women's Meeting is on Thursday at 6 pm along with the Men's s Mtg upstairs. Once in a while impromptu crafts happen after the meeting. Lois J. has some good ideas for Easter decorations.... Maybe Annabel will bring another dinner to snack on during crafts. We hear the chili was awesome last month.
It was nice to see a few new faces at the Sunday dinner. Welcome Fran and nice to see you Angie D. Although he already left, it was good to see John F. Welcome back Rebecca T & Joe S.
More next week.