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This Week @ 39 Serenity Place

Hi Everybody, 

A little late getting this out but now that camping season is over  this will be the last two week report... I hope.

First: The Garage Sale is Thursday - Saturday  Sept 12-14 at the Old DMV.  Lois J. and Melissa have already started unpacking and organizing all the new donations .  Char B, Delma W.,  Michelle P. and Sue L and maybe Sandy W. will be but we could use some more  help .   This will most likely be our last garage sale so we are selling everything really cheap to move it out.  We will know on Saturday if the location was purchased and that will  determine future garage sales.   Watch for that update. 

Then this Sunday  September 15 out first ever Golf Tournament Fundraiser starts at 10am.  Thanks to Danny L and Bill D. for organizing the event and securing so many donations.  We have lots of donations for a silent auction and great prizes fro the winners  Around 2pm we will be serving a pork dinner and presenting awards . Louise T. is presenting at the awards.  Thanks Louise.  Also working at the tournament are Carol H., Char B., Willie M, Mike R. , Darlene and Sara M.     We even have some club members golfing.  John F is coming home from Boston, Karen M. George M., Bill D., Danny L., Michael D. and a few more . Call us if you are interested  , you don't have to be a pro !!  Rebecca T is even taking pictures of the teams !  Thanks everyone .

On Wednesday Oct 2 we will be travelling to Saranac Lake to move furniture in a storage shed and will receive a donation for our efforts. We also will be eating home made Chili  for lunch  and maybe take a break to go down by the water.  We  are helping a fellow member from PA . Thanks Everyone who volunteered to help. We will organize that trip right after we get done with this hectic week. 

Also on the Schedule is a trip to the Bill Wilson House in Vt.on Saturday October 12.   So far Sarah M, Mike R., Willie M. Sue & Danny L, Michelle P. Rebecca T. and maybe RuthAnn are going. There is still time to sign up to go. If you have never been consider going. The mountains are gorgeous this time of year, we attend a meeting, visit the grave site and eat a nice lunch at at nearby restaurant. If you  need a ride we have room.  

Also we are please to announce the Alcoa Grant has been approved and will hold a work day on October 26 from 9-1pm.    We have some tentative plans but will hold a meeting the first week in October to hear suggestions from our members. We have already heard from Joe who has some great ideas.  A huge Thank-you to Darcy F. who helped facilitate this event. 

Last week we were camping at Robert Moses and had our Sunday Meal after the 1pm Mtg our there.  Charlie C.  thought the meeting was at the campsite and was an hour early. No problem...  take a nap while you are waiting for the group to arrive!  Thanks to  everyone who brought a dish to pass or fire wood . Especially to Karen M for  the delicious cabbage rolls and Heidi A  for cooking the burgers and hot dogs.  We celebrated Gaetan's 28 anniversary, Danny L.'s Bday and said So Long to Jim R  for the Winter months . We had three cakes and FYI  next time just get the Red Velvet for everyone  ...   it was gone in a flash. Later that night we had a campfire and everyone was so full we didn't even do the s'mores.  The next night Laurel, Char B., Sara M. Mike R, and Willie M , & Delma W. all came out for another cookout and campfire.  Mike R.  was looking forward to fishing but settled for a walk along the water instead.  And yes there was a card game.... Gaetan was there of course there was!!

On Saturday Carol H, Char B, Delma W., and Sue L represented the Clubhouse at the  Recovery Color Run at the John Story Trail.   It was a lot of fun especially for Delma who seemed to enjoyed dousing people with color... especially in their hair.  Danny L and Bill D were also at the Run . bill D. was helping at the water station and Danny L ... well we aren't sure what he did but he was there !!! Thanks for your help guys 

Two  Sundays ago Bob F. donated another pork loin and  Willie M prepared the pork on Saturday and Michelle P  cooked it on Sunday.  Jim R. donated mac and cheese supplies and Heidi A. cooked that on Saturday.  Danny L. brought broccoli!!  Sue L was out of town and arrived just in time to eat,  so than everyone for for getting the dinner all together.    Delma picked up a 6 year Anniversary cake for the Clubhouse . It is nice to know that so many people have walked through the doors over the years and clubhouse is still going strong .   It is even harder to believe that we have accomplished so much base on donations ,  fundraisers, and dues paying members. Thanks to everyone who has donated time money and expertise.!!

Finally, lets thank the following people who helped out at the clubhouse without being asked to: 

Willie M shampooed the carpets for the second time in 6 months. 

Sara M. cleaned the bathrooms 

Delma W.  cleaned up broken glass form one of our tables outside and Joe  took away the metal.  

Tim B. & Joe take out the garbage every Wednesday 

Michelle P. is cleaning the bathrooms for the next month 

Carl C. pops in early to set up meetings and get the coffee started. 

Joe cleans all the time whenever we have an event ... even at the campsite. 

By the way we have received two 25.00 donations in the mail from family members  of a club member. What a nice surprise  for the Clubhouse.  

 More next week ......

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