Sue LapradeFri, Jun 16, 9:57 AM (7 days ago)
Hi Everybody,
Its been a hard couple of week leaving one location and setting up a new one but we made it!! Thanks to all the people who volunteered to help out. There are many people to acknowledge so everyone take a seat. Its a long one ... that includes you John F. I am breaking up the newsletter into two parts. What is going on and what has already happened.
This Weekend we have a lot going on ... I know its last minute notice but hope you can find time to stop in
Al-Anon Gets Together
Saturday June 17
Continental Breakfast
Speaker Betty B from Cornwall Sunday Mtg
Malone Thursday Noon Mtg - Outreach
bring a dish to pass
The following day Sunday June 17 we have been invited to join St Johns Episcopal Church for a picnic at Robert Moses Picnic Area for noon . We will have the meeting at the picnic area after lunch. Following that we have been asked to provide the game so.... we are putting together one of the Becki B games... so we are. !! I wonder what the prizes will be this time... char B and Sara m are going to get the game started ... who knows what will happen. In the case of rain contact he clubhouse phone or Sue L for details. So far we have a about 20 people signed up to go.. let us know if you want to join in. Thank you for always including us for a Fathers Day Picnic St Johns Church !
We have also planned a Golf Outing for anyone who know how to golf, wants to learn how to golf, or wants to drive a cart and be part of the fun. We are planning the event for a Wednesday morning and are currently working out the details with Cedar View Golf Course. Most likely we will serve a lunch after the event so we need volunteers to help with that as well. Thanks for the help Bill D.
The next activity in the works is a trip to Alex Bay for a Boat Tour. Every time we have gone on this excursion it has rained so fingers crossed this year we have a sunny day. If you have never been, its worth the trip just to be on the water. Details are being worked out for that trip as well. Danny L, Willie M, and Kenny B. have always enjoyed their trip to Canada if only for a brief minute!!
Camping is on the Horizon. Now that the move is almost complete we can think about that. That should be a couple of times in July and again in August
Finally in the Fall we will be making our annual trek to the Bill Wilson House. If you have never been it is a great experience and very moving. Ask us about at the clubhouse we have been several times and are never disappointed!
Sometime soon we will schedule a Narcan Training ...
If you have an idea and want to plan an activity we are all ears.
Watch for Part two of the Newsletter what has happened later today!
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