Hi Everybody,
Its going to be sunny and warm on Saturday ! Hope everyone has an opportunity to get out and enjoy the sun before the rain on Sunday.Emoji Don't forget to turn back your clocks .Every year someone shows up for the Sunday Meeting and wonders why the meeting is not open. If John F, was in town we assume it would be him ..... so we will wait and see who it is and report back next week !!
This Sunday, November 6 we will serve Chili and Cornbread after the 1 pm AA Meeting. (That's right as we did not serve Chili at Ice Cream Steve's Anniversary) Pease bring a dish to pass or desert if you can. Except Ice Cream... that is taken by ice Cream Steve and he will be back this Sunday . Stop in and check it out. There is sure to be a card game if Gaeton R. & Danny L. have anything to say.
Also on the Horizon, St Johns Episcopal Church as has asked us to help clean the church on Saturday November 12th t 12:30. Last year we had twelve people show up to help clean and it went very fast. Who wants to help this year? It is a great Community Service Project for the Clubhouse and an avenue to pay it forward for all the help we have received.
Last week we celebrated Jim R.'s real birthday with a great meal. Jim cooked the Brisket , Sheldon carved the meat, Michelle P peeled the potatoes & Sue L cooked made mashed potatoes, and Delma W. cooked the vegetables. Heidi A. brought deviled eggs that didn't last very long! Adam F. brought a great soup that was also gone in a flash. The meal was delicious. Stacey S. made a great b-day cake, Delma W. made awesome cookies, and Tina and Lois J. brought cupcakes and a cake. Along with the left over ice cream we had a real sugar fest. Although Jim R. forgot his cards and balloon ... we think he had a good time. We did. Gaeton R. Danny L Andrew and Delma all sat down to play card while Cuza G. Tina, Heather A., Adam F. & Kenny B. Welcome to Newcomer Caitlyn
We also had a very successful Cabbage Roll sale last week. On Wednesday Sara M, Stacey S, Jenn, Michelle P , Sue L helped make the Cabbage rolls with the help of Karen M. The next day Sara M and Michelle P boxed up the cabbage rolls and on Friday we delivered most of the pre orders. Saturday, Char B, Carol H , Delma W. and Michelle P help sell at the Episcopal Church. Thanks to Delma and Michelle who waved down potential customers, we were sold out in one and half hours . There is talk of a baked ziti fundraiser next... any interest? Thanks for helping everyone.
We did enjoy Ice Cream Steve's 22 AA Anniversary two weeks ago. Frankly I can't remember what we served but it must have been good! Tina made the anniversary cake and Delma made a chocolate cherry cake. Steve did bring the ice cream!! That's all I remember.
Other news: Willie M and Sue L cleaned the downstairs again while Michelle P and Lois J worked on the store upstairs. They have made tremendous progress as we can now see the floor. They are busy getting the store ready for Christmas. Thanks for taking that project on !! Also a reminder the Meditation room is also all cleaned up and ready for use. It is a great Sponsor/Sponsee meeting room.
We will be serving Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving Day at 2 pm. If you are interested in going let us know for two reasons... we need to know how many turkeys to cook and if we need to change venues if the crowd is too big. We are asking everyone to bring a dish to pass , beverages or deserts if they can. Let Sue L know what you are bringing so we can coordinate the dishes. The Clubhouse doors will open at 2 pm and will remain open all day. If you can't make dinner, pop in anyway. We usually have a group game thanks to Becki B. leaving supplies, a card game, movie etc. Join us! (See attached flyer )
Meetings continue to grow for AA, Alanon and NA. I have attached a meeting list flyer as well
More next week ......