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This Week @ 39 Serenity Place

Hi Everyone, 

Apologies for no update last week...... I know John F. was  disappointed !   So we have two weeks worth of updates.  Sit down John F. 

First,this Sunday June 2 , Mary A. is celebrating two years at the Sunday 1pm Meeting. We hope many of you can make it to show your support  for Mary's achievement. Naturally we will have dinner afterward. Bob F. has already asked  Willie M.  to make Linguini and meatballs for dinner. So bring a dish to pass based on the main dish.  Not sure what Darlene has in store but I am sure it will be fantastic.  And we still have Ice Cream Sundaes  supplies so this will be our 4th week and no one seems to bothered to be eating the same dessert every week!!  Delma W. did offer to make the Anniversary Cake so just in case you are not an ice cream lover...   By the way that morning Kenny B is celebrating 10 years at the Canton Sunday Morning meeting at 9am. Kenny is a member of the Clubhouse so lets get out and support him as well. 

Last week we had to cancel the Camping trip because some of us were sick and because of rain forecast . Thanks for understanding if you had made plans to visit us.  Instead we had a Monday Afternoon Cookout  at Delma W. new house.  We were surprised so many people showed up at the last minute.  Thanks to  Willieand Melissa for helping Delma  set up  and grill the food. Also to Carol H, Char B., Lois J. , and Rebecca T. for helping with clean-up .  We would like to thank Bob M., Gaetan R., and Danny L. but all they did was play cards right in the middle of the kitchen. Thanks for offering to host a picnic at the last minute Delma.  Also great to See Bill D.  He  had to check out Delma's new house because  didn't believe Danny L when he told him her house was 400 square feet total!  

Sunday, the Day before our picnic,  Darlene walked in with made  homemade  subs and Macaroni salad and chips.  We can thank Bob F. for that as she made subs the week before and they were so good gave her money to repeat the same meal this week!! Also thanks to the Freedom Home for bringing  2 soups and a chicken dish and Willie M. for the bean dish...what ever it was!! ( Bob F. is still trying to get the Freedom Home cook to come to our clubhouse some day to cook as everything they send he enjoys. ) Guess what we had for dessert?  Ice cream Sundaes and cupcakes thanks to  Lois JSylvie M dropped off sandwiches so we had plenty of food.  It was a quiet Sunday but the food still  disappeared. We heard that a group of people stayed and played cards right up until the Veterans Meeting.  No one can believe Carl C. could sit still that long but I guess he did!!   Thanks for cleaning up again Melissa, we appreciate how much you are doing for the clubhouse.  I almost forgot, Lois J. is steadily working on the Recovery Store and did some more work this past weekend.  Some of the items are going over to the garage sale and we will bring new items back to the store so stay tuned as  she works her way through all of the donations. 

Two weeks a go, we celebrated the life of Jason W. with his family. Heidi A. out did herself with a turkey dinner and both the Sue L and Sue B combined efforts to make a ham dinner.  It was a nice tribute as people shared stories and about Jason and then we held a balloon send off.  Gina and her family were very appreciative and left a thank -you card which is  posted on the bulletin board.  There was so much food, Sue L assumed we would have left overs on Sunday and give everyone a break from cooking...  it didn't  happen. There was no food left by the end of the celebration.  We even had sundaes which put everyone over the top moaning and groaning. !!  Special thanks to Sandy W. and Mark R.  for coming over. Although they  did  not know Jason well, they  felt it was important to share in the Celebration for a person in recovery.  It was nice for the newer members to see recovery in action.   Once again thanks to Melissa for cleaning up the kitchen. She claims she likes doing it...  we are grateful because most of us do not!

Sometime in the last two weeks Willie M and Melissa ( yes again)  shampooed all the rugs at the Clubhouse. They spent five hours cleaning all of the floors and bathroom and kitchen.  We are very appreciative ,the carpets looks great. Willie says he is coming back to worked on two stubborn spots but we think what he did looks great.  So lets be careful from here on in with the coffee and if you do spill something there is carpet cleaner under the kitchen sink.  Also, thanks to Sue & John B. for the new coffee pot and garbage bin.   No more collecting garbage can all over the neighborhood on a windy day!    It took a while to put it together but Carl J, Mark R. and John B. finally finished the job and its great.  Sue B. purchased mulch and Carl put it out in front of the clubhouse last Sunday. Thanks Carl.  We also love our new coffee pot. We sure have been through a lot of them.. lets try and take care of this one. 

The Garage Sale is fast approaching  June 6-8 so if you have donations or know someone who does give us a call.  We have stuffed the Old DMV pretty good but Delma keeps finding place to put new donations.   We already have Lois J on board to help with the clothing and a few people have signed up to work at the actual Garage sale but we need more help.  See Sue L if you can donate a few hours before or during the sale.  Thanks Bill D. for Contacting the Freedom Home for a few extra hands. 

Finally, we  have been meeting with organizations which help provide services to people in recovery. We hope to have everything finalized this week and share our new resources with you next week. We are excited to have connected with these services and feel it will be beneficial to many of our members.  Stay tuned. 

We are still passing out wristbands and fans . See Sue L if you haven't gotten yours yet.  And remember the wrist band has our new web address listed on it so go signup and find out whats going on at the clubhouse.  

More next week..... 

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