Hi Everybody,
I know, know its been a while.... Still not a lot to report but we do have some good news. We have received more donations to keep the clubhouse afloat! Danny L has always said if our Higher Power wants the Clubhouse to succeed he will bring bring us through it! I guess he has. Although we have been inactive for almost 8 months now, our members and community have generously supported us and we could not be more thankful .
Thanks to Char B.'s suggestion, Baldwin Acres generously donated $200.00 a few weeks ago. We also just received a $500.00
check form the Massena Elks Club again this year. This is the third year the Elks Club has helped us defray holiday meal expenses. A huge thank-you to this Organization as well .
Although we have no specifics as of today there will be Holiday Meals served for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. St Peters Parish has allowed access to their Social Hall on each of these days. However due to the Pandemic we do not yet know if the meals will be served or carry out or a combination. We will wait until we get closer to each holiday to make a determination what is safest for our members. The hall is large enough to keep socially distant and, as we currently do in the Clubhouse, we will require masks , take temps and ask people to sign in for contact tracing purposes. Right now we have a few cooks lined up... Willie M, Sue L, Michelle P...... but we need more help. We will be cooking at home and bringing in the food. So if you like to cook and would like to help, contact Sue L. Or if you like to bake like Karen M. and her famous pies( hint hint) you could do that too. Details will follow in a few weeks Thank you also to Father Mark and Sylvie M for helping us with the social hall.
As you know the Tuesday Night AA Mtg is open at the Clubhouse at 7pm. We have a small steady group and have room for a few more people. Also, Alanon is starting back up on Wednesday November 4 at 7pm. And the AA Thursday Morning meeting @ 10:30 which was starting November 5 is postponed. Jim R. is opening the meeting and will get back to us with a Start date. That is all that is scheduled for in person meetings. Remember, we still have on line meetings and that info can be found on our website: 39serenityplace.com. Finally, thanks to Kenny B many of our members are speaking at an on line Toronto meeting on Wednesday @ 8pm. If you would like to support our members please contact Sue L for info. Last week Delma W. spoke and the week before Cuza G. spoke. It has been enlightening to see how other communities hold their meetings and has given us some ideas for the future.
We are starting an Anniversary page on our Website. So we are all asking all members to send us their anniversary date and we can put it on the calendar. We would like to so because many anniversaries are being missed that we are not aware of and it is important for all of us to appreciate each others efforts with regard to sobriety.
Lastly, Michelle P is diligently cleaning out the clubhouse. The pantry is done and we are now working our way through the rooms. We would like some help if you have some spare time. Its a perfect time to reorganize . Each person could be in their own area or we can schedule times to work independently. However we can get it done! A few people would like to do crafts in the clubhouse so expect news on that soon and there has been talk of resurrecting Movie Day online during the winter months. And don't forget cards with a limit of 4 people only. So we are limping along trying to stay safe and also find a way to stay connected. Any ideas to accomplish this? Contact us right away.
That is all for now. Make sure you stay connected to the people in the program. More in a few weeks......