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  • Writer's pictureSueL

This Week @ 39 Serenity Place

Hi Everybody , 

Its been another two weeks .... happens every summer!    

We are planning a trip to Tail of the Pup this Saturday July 13 . We will leave the Clubhouse around 1 pm.,eat dinner and stop at Donnallys Ice cream on the return trip. If you have never eaten at Tail of the Pup  and stopped at Donallys for ice cream... it is an experience.  If we have time we will explore Saranac Lake or Lake Placid.  Contact Sue L if you would like to go   Willie M is already on Board!!  Maybe we can get Mark S and Betsy to meet us there!~

Our camping trip was a huge success. In addition to the RV, we pitched two tents for campers .Karen M came out and to our surprise cooked for two days . Whatever people brought she made a feast for every meal. Carol H came out the first night along with Doug K on his Jet Ski and Willie M. that was Tuesday. Wednesday morning Sue L and Karen enjoyed the water and loons.  Everytime Karen around to see a loon,  it took a dive.  She never did see one all morning. Wednesday picked up and and Bob M , Carl C.,  Delma W., Mike P , Sam and MJ all came out for dinner a fire, and smores. That was after Sue L went and bought ice cream bars everyone.  I almost forgot Gaetan did show up for ... you guessed it , a game of cards.  And Bob F. stopped by with two loaves of bread. It was too hot for him and he hopped in the air conditioning  within in minutes!~ the next morning  Willie, Sue L and Karen enjoyed the early morning and quiet before everyone woke up.  Karen made a huge breakfast of pancakes eggs, home fries, bacon and ham.  Danny L and Mike P went golfing and the rest of us cleaned up and got ready for the 4th,  Good thing we did as we had a great crowd. Doug K showed up on his jet ski and gave rides to Sylvie M, RuthAnne R, Marie T and Sherri R.  Sherri is 79 years old and had a blast!!  Way to go Sherry.  Kenny B and Brian B.were the first ones to arrive and we immediately sent them on a supplies run....they did that three more time throughout the day.  Kenny kept volunteering so he could cool off in the air conditioner!  We also were happy to see Jim in his convertible and Dane on the Motorcycle and Delma too.  Karen did not disappoint with lunch and dinner.  We ate all day it seemed. Sue L.,  Marie T. and LouiseT. all braved the frigid St. Lawrence.  Even though their legs were numb  all three dove in the water and rushed out. Kenny gave us a ride to the Beach and couldn't believe we were ready to leave in 15 minutes.  By night time everyone was hot and tired and left early.  Maybe it it was due to the campsite losing power and no bathroom facilities caused discomfort!  Almost forgot the fishing experience with Danny and Willie.  Danny fell in the river, and Willie caught him . Mike P. rushed over to help just in time to hear Willie telling Danny to drop the fishing pole as he was still trying to reel in the fish.  Also thanks to Willie M who kept us supplied in  ice the for four days and to Karen M and MJ for all the hard work cooking on hot days. 

We continue  to have our Sunday Dinners thanks to the generosity of Darlene and Bob F. We have had cold plates a couple of times as Darlene makes great subs and Bob F. always requests them.  The rest of us make salads and bring chips etc. One week Darlene was on vacation so Delma made the subs!!Another week Bob wanted Mike an Sarah's Puerto Rican rice so we planned a meal around that.    Annabel made a whole dinner and was disappointed Jose was not there so... she made him his own dinner the following week. He didn't share either!   Last Sunday we celebrated Clydes one year Anniversary and welcomed back Mark S. and Betsy R. Great to see you both.  the elusive Bill D. also popped in for a minute ! Great to see you too Bill. And Carol H is back making fantastic desserts. Brownie Sundies, Strawberry Shortcake etc...  

If you haven't heard Bill D. and Danny L are putting together a Golf Tournament to  raise money for the Clubhouse.  We have already recruited Louise T. and a few others but can use everyone's help. You don't have to  know how to golf to help!  The event is planned for September 15 at Cedar View Golf Course. ( I have  attached a flyer.)

If you haven't heard the Girl Scouts dropped by with a huge box of donations for the Clubhouse. They are working on a badge and chose the clubhouse as one of t locations to be of service. Thanks Girls we really appreciate the thoughtfulness. 

More next week.... oh and if you haven't heard, Delma W. sailed through surgery and is recovering at CPH the next 4-5 days. 

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